IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute HSTP at Summer
Reflecting these components, the PCMI summer session for high school teachers has three strands: 1. "The Euclidean algorithm and its applications to algebra and the theory of numbers." (2 hours per day, 5 days per week.) Focused exclusively on learning mathematics by working problems together, this course will explore the fundamental algorithm on which much of arithmetic and algebra is based. Teacher-leaders: Bowen Kerins, Ryota Matsuura, Jamil Siddiqui, (all from PROMYS for TEACHERS, Boston University). Careful work on this topic is what allows teachers (and students) to understand exactly how elementary and more advanced procedures of algebra derive from and generalize those of arithmetic. The course will be structured so that each participant can work at his/her own level. Those who are more mathematically advanced may be asked to help those with less preparation. The focus of this strand will be entirely on mathematics; focus on classroom practice and techniques will be provided by the other two components of the summer session. 2. "Math in the classroom - reflections on practice." (1 hour per day, 5 days per week, plus opportunities for informal sessions in late afternoon and evenings.) The participants will actively investigate, consider, and discuss examples illustrating concepts and connections in school mathematics and will reflect on how such ideas can shape classroom teaching. Classroom examples will be included, learning from other teachers and sharing some of their own work as well. The role of technology, including calculators, will be considered. Opportunities for learning to use technology will be available in small informal sessions. Teacher-leader: Philip Mallinson (Phillips Exeter Academy). 3. Working Groups (2 hours, 4 days a week): Every participant in the High School Teacher Program pre-selects one of the following working groups:
Over a 1-3 year period, the working groups will:
Each Working Group will be composed of several teacher-participants and one or two resource personnel. The group will work together to research existing classroom materials and techniques, related technology, etc., for its topic and then create 1-3 classroom activity units, including a presentation of the underlying mathematics, for dissemination and eventual publication in a PCMI volume of classroom materials. There are many ways for teachers to participate in the working groups, and each participant is encouraged to operate in their area of expertise, e.g. writing, presenting, creating, etc. Resource personnel for the various groups include: James King (University of Washington), Robert Stein and Susan Addington (California State University at San Bernardino), Al Cuoco (Education Development Center), Philip Mallinson (Phillips Exeter Academy), Annie Fetter and Sheldon Berman (MathForum), Roger Verhey (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Bill Finzer (Key Curriculum Press), the University of Washington Physics Education Group, and representatives from the PCMI Research, Undergraduate Faculty, and Math Education Research Programs. Applicants will be asked to rank their first, second, and third choice of Working Group on the application form. After applicants are accepted and named to a Working Group, some preparation in the form of reading or materials review may be suggested by working group leaders.
The Summer Session is a 3-week residential program in Park City, Utah, and is part of the larger PCMI program. Teachers are given full support and a stipend during the Summer Session. In addition, 6 quarter-credits of 400-level mathematics are available from the University of Washington for a nominal fee. HSTP
Year-long Program of Professional Development and Outreach Groups Teachers in the PDO groups meet regularly to
The classic PDO group is facilitated by a cooperating university or college faculty person. Professional
Development and Outreach groups currently active:
Alumni groups:
PCMI is always interested in forming new Professional Development and Outreach groups and invites teachers or university faculty to consider forming such a group for future involvmenet in PCMI. Groups of 5-10 teachers and 1-2 university support persons are invited to apply. (Groups interested in applying should contact Catherine Giesbrecht, PCMI Administrator, at 609-734-8290 or by email: giesbrec@ias.edu.)
Three PDO groups host their own summer institutes for teachers, concurrently with the PCMI Summer Institute in Park City. Teacher participants from these regions are encouraged to complete the local summer program before applying to the Park City summer program. These groups are:
Application Guidelines and Forms questions or concerns should be directed to C. Giesbrecht |