Lecture Publication Series PCMI Math Forum Archive Program About the Program


Program Information
Lecture Schedule
Institute for Advanced Study
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Research Program Calendar

* This schedule is tentative, and subject to change.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1
9:40 am Ravi Vakil, "The geometric Littlewood-Richardson Rule." Patrick Brosnan, "Matroids, motives and Feynman integration." Kevin Purbhoo, "Miniscule falg manifolds, and the Horn recursion." Neil White, "An introduction to Coxeter matroids." Anders Buch, "Alternating signs of quiver coefficients."
4:30 pm Oleg Musin, "The kissing problem in four dimensions." Jennifer Morse, "Theorems and conjectures about k-Schur functions."

no lectures

Week 2
9:40 am Komei Fukuda, "Old 
and new ideas of constructing nonrepresentable oriented matroids."
Nick Proudfoot, "Hypertoric varieties." Laura Matusevich, "Local cohomology of semigroup rings and GKZ systems." Federico Ardila, "Amoebas, matroids, and phylogenetic trees." Eric Sommers, "Exponents for ideals of positive roots."
4:30 pm Xun Dong, "The bounded complex of hyperplane arrangement is pure." Diane Maclagan, "Polyhedral combinatorics of the McKay correspondence."

no lectures

Alexander Woo, "Partition arrangements, Garnir modules, and q-Lascoux resolution."
Patricia Hersh, "Discrete Morse theory for posets and a GL_n(q)- analogue of the partition lattice."
5:00 pm Beifang Chen, "Subspace arrangements of curve singularities and a q-analogue of the Alexander polynomial." Christian Haase, "Quadratic triangulations." Jenya Soprunova, TBA Alexander Yong, "Geometric vertex decompositions."
5:30pm Allen Knutson, "Young tableaux are facets of a simplicial complex."
Week 3
9:40 am David Speyer, "Combinatorics of tropical linear spaces." Michael Joswig, "Tropical Halfspaces." Dmitry Kozlov, TBA Jon McCammond, "Non-crossing partitions for arbitrary Coxeter groups."

Jim Haglund, "A combinatorial model for Macdonald polynomials."

4:30 pm Cathy Kriloff, "Hyperplane arrangements and representations of graded Hecke algebras." Ernesto Vallejo, "Permutohedra, minimal matrices and Kronecker products."

no lectures

Lauren Williams, "The totally nonnegative part of the Grassmannian, and a q-analogue of the Eulerian numbers."

no lecture

5:00pm Linda Chen, "Equivariant cohomology of the Quot schem via GKM." Frank Lutz, "Graph Coloring Manifolds." Francis Su, "Cake-cutting by flags of faces and hemispheres."

no lecture