2007 - Watch for more information coming soon
Statistical Mechanics
July 1-21, 2007
Program Information and Applications available: December 1, 2006
Scott Sheffield, Courant Institute
Thomas Spencer, Institute for Advanced Study
Clay Senior Scholars in Residence
Andrei Okounkov, Princeton University
Srinivasa Varadhan, Courant Institute
Graduate Summer School Lecturers
David Brydges, University of British Columbia
Alice Guionnet, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Richard Kenyon, University of British Columbia
Gregory Lawler, University of Chicago
Yuval Peres, Microsoft Research and
University of California Berkeley
Wendelin Werner, Université Paris-Sud
Analytic and Algebraic Geometry:
Common Problems - Different Methods
July 6-26, 2008
Jeff McNeal, The Ohio State University
Micea Mustata, University of Michigan
Program Principals
Robert Lazarsfeld, University of Michigan
Yum-Tong Siu, Harvard University