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  The PCMI 2006 Program

2006 Research Program Participants

Surname First Name University Dates of arrival and departure
Albers Peter Courant Institute, NYU 06/25-07/15
Asaeda Marta UC Riverside 06/25-07/15
Auckly David Kansas State University 06/25-07/09
Bachman David Pitzer College 07/09-07/15
Baldridge Scott Louisiana State University 06/25-07/06
Behrstock Jason University of Utah 06/25-07/02
Bini Gilberto Universita Degli Studi Di Milano 06/25-07/15
Boden Hans U. McMaster University 06/25-07/15
Bonahon Francis University of Southern California 06/25-07/15
Chernov Vladimir Dartmouth College 07/09-07/15
Cimasoni David UC Berkeley 06/25-07/15
Cochran Tim Rice University 06/25-07/08
Curtis Cynthia The College of New Jersey 06/25-07/01
Darcy Isabel University of Iowa 06/25-07/15
Dunfield Nathan California Insitute of Technology 06/25-07/15
Edwards Robert UCLA 06/25-07/14
Ekholm Tobias University of Southern California 07/09-07/15
Eliashberg Yasha Stanford University 06/25-07/15
Etgu Tolga Koc University, Turkey 06/25-07/15
**Etnyre John University of Pennsylvania 06/25-07/15
**Fintushel Ron Michigan State University  
Flapan Erica Pomona College 06/25-07/15
Friedl Stefan Rice University 06/25-07/15
Futer David Michigan State University 06/25-07/15
**Gabai David Princeton University 07/02-07/15
Ghiggini Paolo Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada 06/25-07/15
Giroux Emmanuel ENS Lyon (UMPA), France 06/26-07/15
**Gordon Cameron University of Texas Austin 06/25-07/08
Grigsby Julia Elisenda Columbia University 06/25-07/15
Harvey Shelly Rice University 06/25-07/08
Hedden Matthew Princeton and MIT 06/25-07/15
Herald Christopher J. University of Nevada Reno 06/25-07/15
Honda Ko University of Southern California 06/25-07/03
Hutchings Michael UC Berkeley 06/25-07/15
Ionel Eleny Stanford University 07/08-07/15
Jabuka Stanislav University of Nevada Reno 06/25-06/30
Johns Joseph University of Chicago 06/25-07/15
Kalman Tamas University of Southern California 06/25-07/15
Katz Gabriel Brandeis University 06/25-07/05
Kawamuro Keiko Columbia University 06/25-07/15
**Khovanov Mikhail Columbia University 06/25-07/10
Kirby Robion UC Berkeley 06/25-07/15
Kronheimer Peter Harvard University 07/08-07/15
Krushkal Slava University of Virginia 06/25-07/15
Lawton Sean University of Maryland 06/25-07/08
Lee Yi-Jen Purdue University 06/25-07/15
Leidy Constance University of Pennsylvania 06/25-07/08
Leness Thomas Florida International University 06/25-07/15
Lipshitz Robert Stanford University 06/25-07/15
Manolescu Ciprian Columbia University 07/03-07/14
Mark Thomas

Southeastern Louisiana University and

University of Virginia

Mellor Blake Loyola Marymount University 06/25-07/01
Melvin Paul Bryn Mawr College 06/25-07/15
Milnor John W. SUNY Stony Brook 06/25-07/01
Mohnke Klaus HU - Berlin 07/10-07/15
**Morgan John Columbia University 06/25-07/15
*Mrowka Tomasz MIT 06/25-07/15
Naik Swatee University of Nevada Reno 06/25-07/15
Ng Lenhard Stanford University 06/25-07/15
Ording Philip Marymount Manhattan College 06/25-07/15
Owens Brendon Louisiana State University 06/25-07/15
Ozbagci Burak Koc University, Turkey 06/25-07/15
*Ozsvath Peter Columbia University 06/25-07/15
Park B. Doug University of Waterloo 06/25-07/15
Park Jongil Seoul National University, South Korea 06/25-07/15
Przytycki Jozef H. George Washington University 06/25-07/15
Rasmussen Jacob Princeton University 06/25-07/15
Rollin Yann Imperial College, London 06/25-07/15
Sabloff Joshua M. Haverford College 06/25-07/15
Saveliev Nikolai University of Miami 06/25-07/13
Schleimer Saul Rutgers University 06/25-07/15
Shumakovitch Alexander N. George Washington University 06/25-07/08
Siefring Richard Stanford University 06/25-07/15
Sikora Adam SUNY Buffalo 06/25-07/15
Sena-DIas Rosa Harvard University 06/25-07/15
**Stern Ron UC Irvine  
Stipsicz Andras MTA Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary 06/25-07/15
Strle Saso University of Ljubljana 06/25-07/15
Sullivan Michael UMASS Amherst 06/25-07/15
Sung Chanyoung Korea Institute for Advanced Study 06/25-07/15
**Szabo Zoltan Princeton University  
Teichner Peter UC Berkeley 07/06-07/15
Vogel Thomas University of Pennsylvania 06/25-07/08
Vidussi Stefano UC Riverside 06/25-07/15
Vincent Colin University of Nantes 06/24-07/01
Walsh Genevieve University of Texas Austin 06/25-07/15
Wang Shuguang University of Missouri 07/09-07/15
Wu Hao UMASS Amherst 06/25-07/15
Yau Mei-Lin National Central University, Taiwan 06/25-07/15
Zentner Raphael Universitat Bielefeld, Germany 07/01-07/15

  *  - 2005 Organizer
**  - Graduate Summer School Lecturer

Green - Clay Senior Scholar in Residence