Prospects in Theoretical Physics is an intensive two-week summer program typically designed for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars considering a career in theoretical physics. Each year since 2002, the program has provided lectures and informal sessions on the latest advances and open questions in a different area of theoretical physics.
One of the goals of the program is for the School of Natural Sciences at IAS, which mainly focuses in the training of postdoctoral fellows, to contribute in a small way to the training of graduate students as well. A special effort is made to reach out to women and minorities, as well as to graduate students coming from institutions with smaller graduate programs in theoretical physics.
Prospects in Theoretical Physics builds on the strong relationship of the researchers in theoretical physics at the Institute and Princeton University, and many faculty members from both institutions are actively involved in the program together with scientists from neighboring institutions.
Past PiTP Programs:
- 2002 - Introduction to String Theory
- 2003 - Cosmology, Particles, and Strings
- 2004 - String Theory
- 2005 - Introduction to Collider Physics
- 2006 - Applications of String Theory
- 2007 - The Standard Model and Beyond
- 2008 - Strings and Phenomenology
- 2009 - Computational Astrophysics
- 2010 - Aspects of Supersymmetry
- 2011 - Frontiers of Physics in Cosmology
- 2012 - Computation and Biology
- 2013 - LHC Physics
- 2014 - String Theory (one-week school immediately preceding the 2014 STRINGS Conference)
- 2015 - New Insights into Quantum Matter (held in partnership with the Princeton Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics)
- 2016 - Computational Plasma Astrophysics
- 2017 - Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond
- 2018 - From Qubits to Spacetime
- 2019 - Great Problems in Biology for Physicists
For more information on past PITP program and program history, click here.
PiTP 2015 hosted more than 150 participants from nearly twenty countries. (Photo by Dan Komoda)