Welcome to the Prospects in Theoretical Physics at the INSTITUTE for Advanced Study

"Cosmology, Particles and Strings"
June 30 - July 11, 2003

 Organizers and Lecturers (partial listing)
J. Bahcall, IAS; N. Bahcall, Princeton; S. Boughn, Haverford; S. Gubser, Princeton; A. Kosowsky, Rutgers; P. Langacker, UPenn; J. Maldacena, IAS; P. Meyers, Princeton; C. Nappi, Princeton; B. Paczynski, Princeton; L. Page, Princeton; J. Peebles, Princeton; A. Petters, Duke; U. Seljak, Princeton; T. Shutt, Princeton; D. Spergel, Princeton; S. Staggs, Princeton; P. Steinhardt, Princeton; M. Strauss, Princeton; N. Turok, Cambridge; N. deGrasse Tyson, Hayden Planetarium; L. Verde, Princeton and Rutgers H. Verlinde, Princeton; E. Witten, IAS
An intensive summer program for graduate students exploring the compelling new problems and research opportunities at the interface of astro/particle physics and cosmology. We believe that this program will benefit most the more advanced graduate students (i.e. 3rd and 4th year students) in physics and astrophysics. Completed applications and recommendation letters must be received by March 1, 2003.
Poster Session
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Participant Information
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Reading List
Travel Information Form
Archive (2002 Program)
Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, New Jersey 08540,
Email: pitp@ias.edu