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2003 PiTP 

Program Schedule


Prospects in Theoretical Physics  

June 30 - July 11, 2003

Tentative Schedule

(Week 1)

June 30

July 1

July 2

July 3

July 4

9:00 am

A. Kosowsky

Friedmann & Kinematic tests

A. Kosowsky

Thermal History

A. Kosowsky


P. Steinhardt


Morning in NYC at the Hayden Planetarium for a program organized by N. deGrasse Tyson.


Afternoon free.

10:00 am

D. Spergel

Matter content

N. Turok


N. Turok

Moduli Space

D. Spergel


11:00 am


11:30 am

C. Nappi

Introduction to Strings

C. Nappi

Strings Effective Actions  

H. Verlinde


N. Bahcall

Dark matter

12:30 pm


2:30 pm

H. Verlinde


H. Verlinde

AdS/CFT and cosmology

J. Maldacena


J. Maldacena

Perturbation Spectrum

3:30 pm


4:00 pm

E. Witten

Cosmic Baryogenesis  

Public Lectures

5:00 pm 
J. Bahcall 
How the Sun Shines

5:40 pm 
N. Bahcall
The Dark Side of the Universe

E. Witten

CP Violation

E. Witten

Baryon and Lepton Number Violation





















(Week 2)

July 7

July 8

July 9

July 10

July 11

9:00 am

N. Turok

Cyclic Models


U. Seljak

Weak Lensing

U. Seljak

Lyman Alpha Clouds

Day-long workshop at Princeton University 

M. Strauss

Large Scale Structure

10:00 am D. Spergel


A. Petters

Strong lensing

H, lambda

A. Petters

Strong Lensing and Dark Matter

P. Langacker

SUSY Phenomenology

11:00 am


11:30 am

U. Seljak

Secondary Anisotropy

P. Steinhardt

Inflationary Models

P. Steinhardt

Problems in the Cold Dark Matter Model

L. Verde

Combining data sets to study cosmology


12:30 pm


2:30 pm

N. Bahcall

Dark energy

P. Langacker

Dark matter; Neutrinos

P. Langacker


S. Gubser

Strings and preheating 

3:30 pm


4:00 pm

P. Langacker

The Standard Model and SUSY

B. Paczynski

Stellar evolution

M. Strauss

Sloan Digital Sky Survey

J. Peebles

Summary and Discussion

8:00 pm Informal discussion on Strings with Steve Gubser

Bloomberg Hall (lecture hall)





July 4

Morning in NYC at the Hayden Planetarium

9:30 Arrival of Grad. Students - 77th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

10:00 Welcome - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director, Hayden Planetarium

10:10 Review Talk: "The High Redshift Universe" - Zoltan Haiman, Columbia University

10:40 Frontiers Talk: "Globular Clusters and the First Stars" - Jarrod Hurley, 
      American. Museum of Natural History

11:10 Exhibit Overview: "Einstein's Legacy" - Orsola DeMarco, 
         American. Museum of Natural History

11:30 Tour of Exhibit: "Einstein"

12:30 Space Show: "Are We Alone"

1:00  End of Program. Adjourn. Lunch on your own.

The afternoon is free. Participants are expected to return to Princeton by train. NJ Transit schedules and assistance with buying return tickets will be provided.


July 10

Day-long workshop at Princeton University Physics  and Astrophysics Departments

Morning Program

Location: Jadwin A10, Department of Physics, Princeton University

9:00 AM: Coffee and Muffins

9:30-10:20 AM: L. Page (CMB)

10:20 Break

10:40-11:30 AM: S. Staggs (Polarization)

11:30-12:20 PM: S. Boughn (Integrated Sachs-Wolfe)

12:30 PM: Lunch in Brush Gallery

1:30 PM: Visits to Labs

Afternoon Program

Location: Peyton Hall Auditorium, Astrophysics Department

2:30 PM: T. Shutt (Dark Matter Search)

3:20 PM: P. Meyers (Neutrinos)

4:10 PM: Tea

4:30 PM:  J. Bahcall (Solar Neutrinos)