Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2016

Computational Plasma Astrophysics


PITP Participant Survey

The PiTP Organizing Committee is always seeking ways to improve our program and feedback from our participants is invaluable. If you could take the time to fill out a brief online survey, it would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback and input is vital to the continued success of the program.

The survey can be found here. A link will also be posted on the website homepage and the Facebook group. 

Soccer Day

The Institute for Advanced Study is hosting a "Soccer Day" for its Members, Staff and PiTP participants on Saturday, July 23rd. A mini-tournament will be held. The event will begin at 10:00 am on the Institute soccer field.


Program Schedule and Suggested Reading List

A tentative schedule has been made available for program participants. This schedule will continue to be updated as more lectures are scheduled. After the program, videos of the lectures and lecture materials, such as notes or slides, may be posted to the schedule.

A suggested reading list has also been posted. Participants may wish to review the listed material in preparation for the program. This list will continue to be updated. Additions to the list will be clearly indicated. 


Participating Institutions