May 15-25, 2001

Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, New Jersey

Quantum Field Theory, Supersymmetry, and Enumerative Geometry

Institute for Advanced Study
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute

Mentoring Program for Women in Mathematics

organized by Karen Uhlenbeck of University of Texas at Austin

Quantum Field Theory, Supersymmetry
and Enumerative Geometry

Daily Schedule
Women-in-Science Seminar Schedule

Undergraduate Course Outline
Expanded! Participant Information


Updated Friday, May 25:

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Check out: return Institute access card, office key, apartment key to the PCMI office (95 Morse Lane) between 8:30 and 5:00 today.  A PCMI staff-person will be in the lobby of Simonyi Hall from 11:30-12:00 today for those wishing to check out at that time.  Participants checking out after hours or tomorrow should put their card and key(s) in an envelope marked "PCMI" and leave it at Fuld Hall reception.   If the guard is away on rounds, push the envelope through to the desk.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Library Books must be returned this morning as soon as possible. As of 10:00 a.m. today, 5 participants still had books to return.

Updated Thursday, May 24:

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) RETURN ALL LIBRARY BOOKS by 12:00 noon tomorrow.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) HAND IN YOUR EXIT SURVEY before you leave the campus tomorrow -- a box will be provided near the bulletin board in the Fuld Hall Common Room.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) CHANGE OF LOCATION: Women in Science Seminar today is moved to the White Levy Room (annex of the Social Sciences/Historical Studies Library). 



9:30 Prerna Bihani and Elizabeth Nossek

10:00 Kate Eibensteiner and Betsy Pfaff

3:45 Crystal Hoyt

4:15 Gayle Gossett and Jocelyn Read

All of today's presentations will take place in the West Building Lecture Hall (lower level)


9:45 Doria Claasen and Courtney Davis

Simonyi Hall Seminar Room

Updated Tuesday, May 22:

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Don't forget to check your departure information on the bulletin board!

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Research Seminars this week re-scheduled as follows:

2:30pm  (SPECIAL TALK!) "D- branes and K-theory: a pedagogical approach"  Greg Moore, Rutgers University

4:00pm Olguta Buse (moved from Wednesday 2:30pm): "Parametric Gromov-Witten invariants and symplectomorphism groups"

2:30pm Emma Carberry, title TBA

4:00pm Csilla Tamas (moved from Tuesday 4:00pm): "Analytic rigidity of contractions of smooth threefolds"

Updated Monday, May 21:

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) The departure schedule for participants who have reservations on the AIRPORTER has been posted on the Fuld Hall Bulletin Board.  Please initial your shuttle schedule as confirmation that you have received the information.  We will provide box lunches for those with shuttles at 11:05 a.m., 12:05 and 1:05 p.m. on Friday -- please call Frances at 8025 by Wednesday to let her know your choice of lunch: ham, turkey, or vegetarian.   NOTE: The Airporter does not wait for late-comers, and their timetable may not be synchronized with your watch, thus we advise all participants to be in front of Fuld Hall at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Upcoming Research Seminars:
Tuesday, May 22, 2001; 4:00pm (NOTE SPECIAL TIME!) Simonyi Hall Seminar Room:
"Analytic rigidity of contractions of smooth threefolds"
Csilla Tamas, Purdue University
(primarily for graduate students)

Wednesday, May 23, 2001; 2:30pm, Simonyi Hall Seminar Room:
"Parametric Gromov-Witten invariants and symplectomorphism groups"
Olguta Buse, SUNY Stony Brook
(primarily for graduate students)

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Upcoming Women in Science Seminars:

Click here for updated WIS Seminar schedule.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Linen Swap TODAY only.  4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Housing Maintenance Office (in the Laundry Room)

Updated May 17:

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Change of location: Women in Science Seminar, Friday, May 18, will not be held in the Dilworth Room.  Check this space, the bulletin board in the Common Room, or see Karen Uhlenbeck for the alternate location.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Change of location: Undergraduate and Graduate lectures on Tuesday morning, May 22, will be held in the West Building Lecture Hall (ground floor).  The afternoon seminars will be held in Simonyi Hall.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Graduate Lecture series: Ranee Brylinski will lecture this week and Xenia de la Ossa will lecture next week.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Research seminar Friday, May 18: Seiberg-Witten integrable systems and how I got involved with mathematical physics.; Amy Ksir, SUNY Stony Brook.  This seminar is primarily for graduate students and will be held in Simonyi Hall Seminar Room.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Research Seminar today: 2:30 PM Simonyi Hall Seminar room; ERM, SRM, RN, SVM, and other topics in statistical learning theory; Cynthia Rudin, Princeton University.  This seminar will be accessible to undergraduates, too.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) Linen Swap: Monday, May 21st (only).  Monday, May 21st is the day to swap your linens and towels!  On that date, please bring your dirty linen and towels to the housing maintenance office, which is located in the Laundry Room (next to the PCMI Office). You will be given clean linens and towels in exchange. Please note that you must bring your dirty linen in order to receive clean linen. Hours are 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 4:00-5:00 p.m. Monday, May 21st.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) The Women in Science Seminar on Friday, May 18,  will not be held in the Dilworth Room.  For alternate location, see the Women's Program bulletin board in the Fuld Hall Common Room or check back for an update in this space on the web.

blbullet.gif (591 bytes) The Undergraduate lecture and the Graduate Lecture on Tuesday, May 22, will be held in the West Building Seminar Room.


Please address questions and comments about the program to Catherine Giesbrecht

The Mentoring Program for Women in Mathematics is a program of the
Institute for Advanced Study/Park City Mathematics Institute.