PiTP 2017 will take place from July 17 to July 28, 2017 and will cover topics ranging from experimental results in particle physics to prospects for physics beyond the standard model. Titled "Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond," it will be an intensive two-week program open to both advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Program topics:
- Theoretical physics beyond the standard model
- The status of naturalness and new approaches to fine-tuning problems
- LHC Run II updates and projections
- New table-top/low-energy probes of fundamental physics
- High-intensity, low-energy collider experiments
- CP violation and the strong CP problem
- The next decade of dark matter
- The next decade of CMB/large-scale structure
- Future accelerators
- Neutrino physics
Reading list: The background required to benefit from this program is the equivalent of an advanced graduate course in quantum field theory and particle physics. Examples of possible textbooks are here. Later on, closer to the date of the program, a list of papers suggested by the lecturers in preparation for individual lectures will be made available.
Organizers & Lecturers: You can view the list of confirmed organizers and lecturers here.