Samuel Lézé


Samuel Lézé

Samuel Lézé is a Social Anthropologist. Assistant Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, he is the scientific coordinator of the research program “Telling mental health today” at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme of Paris North. His primary research interests are mental health policies, clinical authority, psychoanalytic work and forensic psychiatry. He completed his PhD in social anthropology on the authority of psychoanalysts at the Ecole normale supérieure and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris in 2008. In his current research within the ERC research project, he studies the moral and emotional issues involved in social treatment of two kinds of populations: inmates in jail and adolescents in mental health services.


Selected Publications

An exploration of the possibility of a sociology of mental health. Historical and epistemological examination of the subfield in France, Journal of Mental Health, 2007, 16 (3) : 319 - 331

Le langage social des émotions. Études sur les rapports au corps et à la santé [with Fernandez F., Marche H. eds.], Paris, Économica-Anthropos, " Sociologiques ", 2008, 426 p.

Comment évaluer une personne ? L’expertise judiciaire et ses usages moraux [with Fernandez F., Strauss H.], Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, 2010, (128-129): 179-206.

L’autorité des psychanalystes, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2010

Finding the moral heart of carceral treatment. Mental health care in a French prison [with Fernandez F.], Social science and Medicine, forthcoming, 2011.


Web page:
CV: Samuel Lézé (PDF)